The catacombs underneath The Basilica. The tunnels can be accessed through the large archway covered in caution tape in the History Hall.
The pamphlet from the giftshop states that the Catacombs 'were never part of the original design of the Basilica', and that the tunnels were simply discovered one day. Once discovered, the catacombs were put into use as a burial site for Holy Officials of the Basilica. People who explored the tunnels frequently went missing, or turned up dead.
Catacombs Entry

The first 'room' of the catacombs is a series of hallways joining various rooms. There are paintings on the walls of the first hallway. Going up, there is a gated door, which leads to the Elo Chamber. It is locked. Down from that door is a cracked Mother Mary Doll and some Wood Planks. To the right is a portion of hallway submerged in water, and a branch in the hall leading up. In that room is what appears to be an alter, with some spoiled fruit on the table. Red cloths hang from the ceiling. Continuing along the main hallway, the path splits again, going up and right. To the right is a short dead end with an unstable grate. Across the grate is a pile of old tools. The path upward brings you to another pair of paths, a statue of Mother Mary standing between them. To the right are some arches, though nothing can be seen through them. At the very top right is a painting of a disturbing figure. On the left path are more stone coffins, and a frame streched tight with skin. Roaming this area is a small creature that can kill Ryker. Continuing left, there is another grated door, which leads to a narrow tunnel. It is locked, but the lock is damaged. Next to it is a Mother Mary doll.
Elo Chamber

The Elo Chamber can also be found in the Sewers when playing as Gabriel.
It is a small room with four doors leading out of it. One of the doors is blocked by a stone coffin. The entrance of the room is a giant archway with a stone statue of Elo carved around the arch. The top right door leads to the Mannequin Room, the top left door leads to the Wishing Well Room, and the far left door leads to ***.
Mannequin Room

This room contains several mannequins wearing old-fashioned priest robes. There are two sofas, and some boxes with miscellaneous items. At the bottom of the room is a fireplace, several mirrors, and some overgrowth, including a tree. Under the tree is a journal.
Wishing Well Room

This room has a upper and lower section, connected by stairs. In the lower section is a well, surrounded by grass and flowers.
After picking up the wedding ring by the well, Ryker is interrupted by a creature or spirit of some kind, who thanks them for finding the ring. The ghost leaves Ryker a shovel as thanks.Items

This room is a nursery, filled with cribs and child-sized beds. In the top left corner is a staircase that leads to a strange room filled with fake grass. There is a tennis court in the corner, and the walls are painted blue.
Mural Room

There are clothes scattered around on the floor of this room. It is lit in an erie red light. On the left wall is a mural of a deer. On the back wall is a mural of a human. On the right wall is a mural of a rabbit. Between the rabbit and human murals is a ladder. A hidden door can be found when interacting with the human mural, which leads to the Human Mural Room.
n this room, different routes can be chosen. Interacting with the Deer Mural will unlock the *** (Leon/Francis?) route. Interacting with the Rabbit Mural will unlock the *** (Vittorino) route. Interacting with the Human Mural will unlock the *** (?) route, as well as allowing the player to pick one of the other routes.Owl Mural Room

A room very similar to the Mural Room below it, only with a mural of an owl on the back wall, a large hole in front of it. Falling down the hole brings you to the Owl Pit
Owl Pit

The top section of this room is a large shaft and contains some hazard signs. There is an unstable grate in the floor. Falling through this grate brings you to the well at the bottom. This well is inescapable, and the acidic liquid in the pit eventually kills Ryker.
Human Mural Room

A sparse room, containing only a fireplace, a chair, and a mannequin. There are two murals on the walls, a deer and a rabbit.

A corridor filled with miner's equipment. at the end of the hallway is a ladder downwards, which leads to the lower level of this map. At the end of this hallway is a door, leading to the flooded hallway.
Flooded Hallway

A long hallway, partially flooded. There are several cages in the non-flooded part of the hallway. There is a blue oil drum among the cages as well. In the flooded part of the hall are gravestones, submerged in water. At the end of the hallway is a locked door. There is a Mother Mary doll in this room.
Opening the door at the end of the hallway, Ryker finds a room made entirely of the meat and flesh of animals. They nearly vomit and turn to run, pursued by several creatures.Items
Outside Corridor

At the end of a hallway, there is a ladder. Down the ladder is the 2nd or 3rd floor of the Basilica. There are plants growing on the walls and ceiling here, and two windows. There are also several tables, and a Mother Mary doll. The hallway connects to the Main Room of the Basilica.
Trying to pick up the photograph of Leon, Ryker notices a sharp pain in their fingers and looks down to see that the skin of their fingertips has been sliced off. They ignore the pain and take the photo.Just as they are about to get going, the glass of their wristwatch shatters, the watch's hands pointing to 8:09 pm.
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